
Impacted Wisdom Teeth: What You Need to Know in Kokomo

Wisdom Teeth

The wisdom teeth, sometimes referred to as third molars, erupt last and usually do so between the ages of 17 and 25. While some people may not have any problems with their wisdom teeth, others could, especially if these teeth become impacted. When there isn’t enough room in the mouth for the wisdom teeth to erupt or grow properly, they become impacted as suggested by Kokomo family dentistry. If this is not treated right away, it may result in several oral health issues.

To preserve excellent dental health, Kokomo residents must be aware of the causes, signs, and available treatments for impacted wisdom teeth. 

Causes of Impacting Wisdom Teeth:

  • Jaw Size: Whether wisdom teeth have enough space to erupt depends in large part on the size of the jaw. Impaction might result from a smaller jaw not having adequate room for the third molars. 
  • Tooth Angle: Wisdom teeth often come in at an angle, sometimes pushing on your other molars.
  • Overcrowding: In some cases, when there is not enough room for the wisdom teeth to emerge from their positions and there is overcrowded in your mouth then impaction of the wisdom tooth may take place.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

While not all impacted wisdom teeth present with symptoms, if they do manifest then the telltale signs can be quite unpleasant. Some common symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth:

  • Pain: Generally, you have severe pain or tenderness in the back of your mouth due to an impacted wisdom tooth. It may also be experienced as an ache sensation in the ear, jaw, and/or head.
  • Bad Breath: When the cause of impacted teeth is due to bacterial infection, the patient may experience bad breath or a foul taste in the mouth
  • Cysts, or Infection: On other occasions an un-erupted wisdom tooth can result in a cyst or infection that forms and causes considerable pain and swelling.

How Can I Treat an Impacted Wisdom Tooth?

If your Kokomo dentist determines that you have an impacted wisdom tooth, they will talk with you about treatment suggestions. The most common remedy for impacted wisdom teeth is extraction. Your dentist may also recommend a referral to an oral surgeon in the case of severe impaction or symptoms. 

Wisdom Teeth

Types of Extractions:

  • Simple Extractions: In instances where the tooth is partially erupted and can be reached, then all that may be necessary is a simple extraction. This is usually done under local anesthesia.
  • Surgical Extraction: In some cases, if the tooth is impacted underneath your gums you may require a surgical extraction. This means that a small cut in the gum is done to come out of the tooth and it will require having us unconscious or even treated under general anesthesia.

Oral hygiene after extraction is important for the recovery that your dentist would suggest. This involves pain control medicaments, oral health care measures, and the choice of foods that interfere in a positive way to avoid problems.

One problem that is prevalent among developing adults is impacted wisdom teeth. If left untreated this can cause pain as well as other oral problems. Knowing the symptoms, possible complications, and treatment options is important for anyone experiencing this problem in Kokomo. Keeping up with your dental visits — whether it is for a checkup or something more extensive like getting wisdom teeth removed, helps prevent and catch issues in their early stages.

If you believe that an impacted wisdom tooth is causing problems for you, get to a dental provider in Kokomo straight away, so they can give your teeth the attention and assessment needed by them. If you follow the preventive measures, your smile will stay far from danger and pain.

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